Online training program for Developing a Business

The “Online Marketing Strategy Masterclass & Consulting” programme is a four-week educational/training programme which aims at equipping the participants in order to successfully develop their business.

Each tutorial is presented through Webinar, on a weekly basis, and you can watch it from the comfort of your home, on your smartphone/tablet or from your place of business.

There will be exercises and small projects, in-between tutorials, so as to put into practice, in your own business, what you have been told during the lesson. For each and every one of them you will be receiving specific comments by the consultant in order to improve and correct them. The aim is to acquire the tools for your business routine.

This is the only training programme on developing a business which offers:

4 practical interactive online Marketing tutorials
and 1 hour of Business Consulting FOR FREE

Previous One-day Training Programmes

During the past years, I organized one-day training programmes, throughout Greece, in order to better support businessmen in various business topics. My aim was to pass on to businessmen basic knowledge and tools so as to strengthen their businesses. My seminars, were in the form of workshops, namely, they included a little theory and many practical exercises.





Business Trainees


Greek cities