I can help you use the Internet as a gateway for clients to your business.
Every business needs to have web presence as it is an easy way to be tracked down by your customers, get informed about you and contact you as well. Besides, nowadays, most of the people are in possession of smartphones & iPhones and thus, navigation and Internet search are made easy and direct.
Don’t forget that by having web presence it’s like being open 24/7 even if you don’t have an e-shop! Communicating news to your customers via an electronic newsletter can be done both in an easy-going manner and at a low cost as well.

Tip: The secret of success in Internet Marketing is the existence of a strategy.
Content Services
Having vast experience on creating content (a basic ingredient of the web/internet presence) as well as being a prolific published writer put me in the position of collaborating with you in the following 2 levels as a whole or more specifically/separately:
- Monitoring and editing the social media of your business (Facebook, Twitter, You tube) as well as providing content for them.
- Blog creation and article writing to inform your customers about the object of your business. Read my blog as an example of my work (Supported languages: Greek, English and French)
Inbound Marketing:

Let me design for you the Internet Marketing Strategy that will increase your sales!
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