"The Toolkit of the Modern Entrepreneur - Rosili Publications"

A book -a practical guide- for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and freelancers.

Written in simple words, without academic terminology, with abundant examples from the Greek market through the eyes, professional experiences, and practical approach of an expert who is actively involved in the market and assists in the development of SMEs.

Marketing consultant Themis Sarantaenas, with more than 20 years of experience in marketing and guiding companies, aims to provide, through this new book of his, substantial information to the reader and give him tools, ideas, and suggestions that he can use immediately in his business.

A modern entrepreneur, who often operates with the logic of a one-man show, needs basic skills to succeed. These are presented & analyzed through the prism of 8 fundamental development and evolution tools:


  • Pursuit. Set goals & achieve them!
  • Repertoire. Successfully define what you sell & differentiate!
  • Knowledge. Gain practical knowledge & become a successful seller – entrepreneur!
  • Acquisition. Adopt the right Sales Techniques for your SME (online - offline) & increase your turnover!
  • Shine. Illuminate the face of your business: your seller & invite your customers!
  • Communication. Interact effectively with your customers & build trust more easily with them!
  • Intuition. Present your proposals effectively & convince your customers more easily!
  • Response. Learn the customer service techniques that best meet the needs of your customers & increase your business's word-of-mouth!


** The book contains practical exercises for immediate application in your businesses.

"The Toolkit of the Modern Entrepreneur" belongs to the "Entrepreneurship" series of Rosili publishing house.

Available in all bookstores!