Marketing your business

Rosili publishing company and Marketing Consultant Themis Sarantaenas present the practical textbook (written in Greek)
“Marketing your business! Make your own Marketing Plan easily, quickly and correctly!”The book is oriented toward entrepreneurs of small/medium businesses as well as freelancers. It is considered to be a practical guidebook that will help them plan the marketing strategy of their business, step by step, aiming at its development and success.
It’s a book rich in examples and practical exercises written at the same time in a simple language without marketing jargon or superfluous theory. It leads the reader to answer questions as:
- How will I develop my business?
- Which strategy do I follow so as to have a thriving business?
- Which marketing actions are appropriate for my business?
- How much money should I plunge in the promotion of my business?
- How can I distinguish myself from my competitors?
- How can I find new customers and maintain the existing ones?
After reading through this book and having completed the suggested exercises, the reader will have understood the basic Marketing principles and will be able to lay solid foundation for the correct and clever development of his business.
"Marketing your business!” is part of series “Marketing” of Rosili, publishing company.