"32 Customer Phrases We Love to Hate

& How to Overcome Them"


  • "You are expensive!"
  • "I asked a friend who knows!"
  • "These are not for us..."

Have you heard any of the above phrases? What do they mean? How do you handle them?

Marketing consultant Themis Sarantaenas presents the most common phrases we hear from our customers in a particularly apt and humorous way.

In the book "32 Customer Phrases We Love to Hate & How to Overcome Them", customer phrases that “short-circuit” us so much are analyzed, covering various aspects of the dark, money-loving, or just funny side of business negotiations, discussions, and transactions. From promises with many implications (“we will do a lot of work together…”) to indirect threats (“I will get offers from others as well”), customer phrases never cease to entertain and surprise us.

The author, drawing on his many years of experience, provides clever business tips, suggesting the best ways to handle each of these phrases and manage your customers, overcoming difficult situations.

Happy - and smiley - reading!

Available in all bookstores!